Our steel Greek shields are superb for sword fighting or SCA events. 6 Another Athenian Shield Medusas head (Greek Mythology story that Perseus killed Medusa, and dedicated her beheaded head to Athenas temple in Athens). These Greek shields can be used for combat or for home or office decoration too.

Raisons have a vast variety of Medieval Greek Shields, We have Greek wooden shields, steel Greek shields which are very useful for LARP events, Renaissance fairs or Reenactments, We have fully functional Greek Hoplite Shields, Ancient Greek Shields and Spartan Shields. Wholesale Enquiries | Contact us | About us | Conditions of Use | Privacy Notice | Shipping & Returns This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file. Greek Shield, Greek Shields, Greek Hoplite Shields, Ancient Greek Shields, Spartan Shields Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/raisonsb/public_html/includes/configure.php.