I don't know if Noble is still skippable but it's easy enough to beat it with a +6 bow anyway) The above steps are all easily accomplishable within a few hours, and by the time you're done you'll feel like a god. (Most somber stones 1 through 9 are easy to get just via running around, the hardest one is likely to be somber stone 7 which is blocked by Godskin Noble in Volcano Manor.
The route seems to be: wrong warping into Lyndell for the Black Bow, which is still easily doable on current patch - scavenging around the map for as many low level sombre smithing stones as possible - grabbing the two most important talismans (Arrow's Sting talisman from Caelid, Blue Dancer Charm from Limgrave) - and finishing Varré's questline for an ancient dragon sombre stone and access to bird farming.
I wouldn't recommend it for a new player on a first run, because you need to upgrade your bow FAST and that obviously requires a higher level of general game knowledge to do efficiently. I can't talk enough about how people are sleeping on bow builds, and after my first Elden Ring bow run I am now entirely convinced that in terms of early game potential, they reign supreme. Mighty shot/Enchanted shot increase the amount of buildup of chosen status effect. Rot and frostbite does not get increased scaling with any bow. (They get increased scaling with physical stats). This continues with damage scaling for the physical portion of all arrows. (Horn bow) Lightning arrows scale with dex on all bows that have dex scaling, meaning they do more lightning damage on all bows. (Erdtree bow) Magic arrows/Dwelling arrows/Ghost flame arrows scale with intellect on a bow that has intellect, meaning they do more magical damage on a intellect scaling bow. (Serpent bow) Fire arrows/Golden arrows/ Holy arrows scale with faith on a bow that has faith, meaning they do more of the non physical damage on a faith scaling bow. This is because of how the arrows scale, let me explain: Blood bone/Serpent arrows/Poison bone scale with arcane on a bow that has arcane scaling, meaning they do more bleed buildup. If you are going to exclusively use this bow, go up Strength and Dexterity, and then Faith up to 25, to gain access to Golden Bow and FGMS.